Strategic approach to Sustainability
The concept of corporate sustainability has been winning more and more people over in the last decade. It has built on previous approaches by adding an explicit link to the business model and strategy with sustainable development challenges, such as climate change, rising social inequality, the loss of biodiversity and other present-day issues.
Energisa is aware that its operations directly affect society and the surrounding environment. Adopting a corporate sustainability strategy and business model that creates value not just for shareholders, but also for all stakeholders enables Energisa to leverage opportunities in the energy sector and take its place alongside the leading contributors to sustainable development.
Our strategic pillars breakdown into action plans and strategic and operational performance indicators that take the social and environmental impacts of our business into account.
The targets established for these indicators are agreed in management commitments for the entire value chain.
Energisa’s sustainability strategy is based on four main drivers:
Energisa’s Macro Sustainability Drivers
Sustainable Local Development: Prioritize projects and initiatives that can set up partner networks, with mid- and long-term planning. The density of local production chains and initiatives coupled with government policies for new areas of expertise will be factors to be observed for awarding support.
Community Impact: The convergence with other Energisa initiatives through internal programs or by partnering with government authorities and civil society institutions in concession areas with a positive impact will also inform analyses for decision-making.
Betting on the Countryside: Energisa’s history is intertwined with Brazil’s countryside, where it grew roots and made important legacies. Its current concession area reinforces the importance of concentrating support in regions where its presence is a driver for the economy, job and income creation and development.
Innovation and New Economies: Investing in new technologies, using renewable sources, research and science. Developing business that drives the economy (innovation, creativity, social impacts) in harmony with the company’s purpose.
Sustainability permeates our business at three levels
- Alignment with external demands, bolstering reputation and legitimacy
Rolling out initiatives planned with the Group’s business areas to align our operations and growth plans with sustainability benchmarks (regulations, standards, guidelines, commitments, protocols, trends and initiatives), establishing an agenda that unifies external and internal guidelines;
- Alignment with business priorities, contributing to the creation of sustainable value
Contributing to the alignment of the sustainability agenda with strategic business priorities, in line with what are known as the 3-Ds in the electric sector’s transition, i.e.: decarbonization (reduction of GHG emissions), decentralization (decentralized sustainable energy generation always close to the consumer) and digitization (smart solutions tailored for clients through projects), and assuring greater synergy of this energy agenda and climate change with the company’s various departments;
- Bolstering social, cultural and environmental initiatives in communities, nurturing development in our geographies
Developing social, cultural and initiatives conducive with Energisa’s DNA and managing Fundação Cultural Ormeo Junqueira Botelho (FOJB), empowering it to drive local development processes through structured programs with a board of curators to select initiatives and partners leveraging social and cultural assets, producing opportunities for social growth and economic rewards for the cities we serve.
Supporting Global Initiatives
By way of its initiatives, Energisa Group strives to contribute to a more equal and sustainable world. And to reinforce this commitment, in August 2020 we joined the Global Compact’s Brazil Network, a UN initiative, which provides guidelines on promoting sustainable growth and corporate citizenship.
The program aims to mobilize companies to adopt and promote in their business practices the ten universally accepted principles across human rights, the workplace, the environment and anti-corruption.
Those participating in the initiative also undertake the responsibility to help achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), that comprise Agenda 2030, and seek to guarantee human rights, end poverty, fight against inequality and injustice, achieve gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls, fight climate change and tackle other present-day challenges.
We are also a part of the Climate Change platform, based on SDG 7, which seeks to guarantee reliable, sustainable, modern and affordable access to energy for all and SDG 13, which is the initiative against climate change, by developing activities and projects specially geared towards climate mitigation, adaptation and finance.
One of the aims of the Group’s Sustainability Agenda is to usher in an efficient Energy Transition, fostering new investments in energy efficiency and sustainability management projects. Our engagement on this front will strengthen initiatives to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.
Our contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals
Sustainability Governance
Sustainability Governance aims to instill efforts to integrate Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) matters into Energisa Group’s strategy, policies, processes and practices. Sustainability Governance will permit efficient management of the matters in the mid- to long-term and sustainability indicators that create value for Energisa and its stakeholders.
Based on ethical, social and environmental criteria, Energisa Group’s Sustainability Policy underpins its practices and how it relates with various stakeholders, in a wholesome, transparent and responsible way. A number of principles and guidelines are therefore respected and applied by all in daily operations.
In 2020 the progress made in internal management, such as creating the Sustainability Practice, paved the way for new socio-environmental projects. We also have the Sustainability Committee, comprised of: the chairman of Energisa Group, Chairman of the Cultural Ormeo Junqueira Botelho Foundation, vice-president of Distribution, CEOs of Business Units, Corporate People Management Officer and Corporate Strategic Management Manager.
Click here to see our Sustainability Policy (*)
Energia do Bem
Given the impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic and bearing society demands in mind, Energisa has rolled out various initiatives for the population’s health and needs, in order to mitigate the impact of the crisis inside and outside the company.
This is a nationwide initiative including actions in the 11 states we operate in, in an investment of R$ 8 million to date. The initiatives are varied in nature:
- R$ 1.9 million donation to the Estímulo Minas 2020 project, which provides fast subsidized loans to small businesses in Minas Gerais state;
- 7 thousand N95 masks donated to hospitals in our states and 500 face shields to hospitals in the concession areas of Energisa Minas Gerais and Energisa Nova Friburgo (RJ). 65 thousand masks were also donated to the state health department in Mato Grosso do Sul, mainly intended for indigenous communities;
- Resource donations and partnerships to enable the acquisition of 2 respirators for Hospital Cirurgia – Aracaju/SE and 37 ventilators for hospitals in Minas Gerais, Tocantins and Paraíba (in progress) and a further 11 portable aspirators for Hospital da Criança in Acre;
- Repairing of 276 ventilators in partnership with Senai, in Mato Grosso and Mato Grosso do Sul, with this being some of the most sought-after equipment by governments during this pandemic;
- In partnership with CNI and Senai, we opened 100 thousand places on distance education courses for cross-cutting technical skills and industry 4.0, such as Environmental Education, Entrepreneurism and Artificial Intelligence;
Click here and learn about the Energia do Bem Movement.
Ilumina Pantanal Project
Energisa launched the Ilumina Pantanal project with the aim of bringing electricity to families living in remote areas of Pantanal (the largest tropical wetland in the world) in the Southern Mato Grosso area, guaranteeing the social right and access to this universal good for quality of life, health and well-being of the local community.
Click here and watch the video, understand more about the Project and the changes it has already been making in the lives of many Brazilians.