Investor Relations

Actions and Indicators

Actions and Initiatives

Supported by an Environmental, Health and Safety Policy reviewed and rolled out in 2019, Energisa strives to ensure a harmonious coexistence with the environment around its operations, rationally using natural resources and continually improving its environmental performance. The policy provides guidelines around issues to be followed to ensure product and service quality, in line with economic feasibility, efficient resource use and the health and safety of its employees and the community.

The processes are standardized by the Environmental, Social and Health and Safety Management System (SGMASS), a tool compatible with ISO 14001 (environment) and OSHAS 18001 (health and safety).

To minimize the effects of our geographical coverage, all Energisa Group companies have an Environmental Department. In order to foster the sharing of environmental management experiences and improvements, in 2019 an environmental workshop was conducted and participated in by all the Group’s units. Work groups involving each distribution company’s departments are also formed to address specific topics.

R$ 315.8 was invested in 2021 in environmental management initiatives, 1.4% more than in 2020.

Click here to see our Environmental and Social actions and initiatives

Click here to see our Environmental, Health and Safety Policy


Doing business transparently and openly is a commitment we work hard to maintain and whenever possible we promote transparency throughout our sector. We have a comprehensive set of codes, policies and guarantee processes that state how we intend to operate more responsibly.

Energisa’s corporate governance model aims to ensure equitable access to information for stakeholders, in order to guarantee an open and transparent dialog.

Our governance framework consists of the Board of Directors, Fiscal Council and Executive Board, with the support of Committees contributing to decision-making.

Click here and see Energisa Group’s governance framework.

Energisa has been a listed company since 1907, entering Level 2 Corporate Governance of B3 (Brasil, Bolsa, Balcão) in July 2016, and is one of the listed companies that follows the best market transparency and governance practices.

Every year we publish a memorandum about the Brazilian Corporate Governance Code, describing the 54 practices we adhere to and the reasons why certain practices are not adopted.

Ethics and Integrity

Energisa views ethics as a core value for conducting business and engaging with its stakeholders. The principles and rules of conduct – applicable to employees, executives and suppliers and third parties – are set out in the Code of Ethics and Conduct. The document sets out the practices and standards of conduct that should be followed every day, to always support our corporate mission and guarantee a fair and harmonious coexistence between Energisa and its stakeholders.

Ethics Committee

The Ethics Committee is responsible for ensuring compliance with and enhancing our Code of Ethics and Conduct. It promotes the moral values and universal principles of social well-being that underpin the Company’s business, always prioritizing ethics, respect, transparency and truth in relations in order to cultivate a wholesome, healthy and harmonious workplace.

The Committee is tasked with implementing, disseminating, training, reviewing and updating the Code of Ethics and Conduct and whistleblowing channel, in addition to carrying out investigations and proposing corrective measures regarding violations of the Code.

The Committee answers directly to the Group’s CEO. In 2019, two positions were added to the committee, in order to promote greater diversity. It closed the year with eight serving members, for terms of three years that can be extended, operating in accordance with the internal regulations approved in the year.

Integrity Program

This matter is the responsibility of the Risk and Audit Practice, which answers to the Financial Vice Presidency and the Audit and Risk Committee.

Company senior management is also committed to the integrity program and is represented by the Ethics Committee and the Audit and Risk Committee of the Board of Directors, both appointed by the Board of Directors.

Energisa Group adopts a set of frameworks, procedures and practices to prevent, detect and remedy fraud and irregularities, which amongst other elements includes the following: (i) template of unacceptable conduct and conflicts-of-interest; (ii) Energisa Ethics Committee; (iii) Energisa Risk and Audit Committee; (iv) Policy for Related-Party Transactions; (v) Securities Trading Policy; (vi) risk and audit management, mapping out critical and integrity processes; (vii) supplier audit; (viii) related party audit; and (ix) whistleblowing channel.

Integrity issues are also an important part of the company’s personnel policy and are set out in the Executive Compensation and Appointment Policy approved by the Board of Directors and available on the company’s site.

New employees undergo ethics and integrity training, and semiannual periodical training (remote) was introduced in the 2nd half of 2019.

Whistleblowing Channel

The Company has a proprietary Whistleblowing Channel with rules established in a Normative Instruction approved by its CEO in Feb/2010 and revised in Mar/2017. The basic rules are published on the Company’s site and preserve anonymity and information confidentiality, amongst other things. The whistleblowing channel is internal, and depending on the case at hand the Company hires external experts to investigate the charges reported.

Reports are received, classified and registered in an internal computer system. The auditors in charge may contact the whistleblowers in order to obtain further information, after which the reports are submitted to the Committee.

The Committee analyses the demands received by the access channels, and determines the applicable measures based on the Group’s internal regulations. The Risk and Audit Committee also monitors these issues in addition to a specialist firm if necessary. After the investigation, the responsible department prepares the detailed report with recommendations, which is submitted to the Committee for approval. Any cases involving members of the committee are handled directly by the Board of Directors.

Click here to see our Policies.


Energisa aims to drive change and detect new market opportunities early, aware that the starting point is knowing the context in which the Group operates.

For this reason, the EESG (Economic, Environmental, Social and Governance) issues identified in the materiality matrix should be closely associated with the Company’s operating strategy. These issues will be split into indicators denoting solid data about Energisa’s commitment to sustainable development. These indicators are used not only for ex post assessments, but to advance decisions and to favor a proactive approach over a reactive approach.

We are disclosing the annual EESG performance indicators of the Group’s distribution companies. A more in-depth analysis into both indicators and qualitative aspects of the issue is carried out annually and published in our Sustainability Report.

After the materiality assessment, consolidated indicators will also be presented for the Group taking into account the requirements of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), in addition to the accountability standards of Aneel, Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB), the UN Global Compact and core sustainability indexes. In order to improve the transparency and quality of the information published to our shareholders and other stakeholders, we will also publish a summary of core quarterly indicators.

Indicators EESG

To access the indicators sheet, click here.