Income Tax Information:
The shares of the companies Energisa S/A (symbol ENGI3, ENG4 or ENGI11), Rede Energia Participações S/A (REDE3) and Energisa Mato Grosso Distribuidora de Energia S/A (ENMT3 and ENMT4) are registered at Banco Itaú, the custody agent.
To obtain income tax information:
The income tax information are available solely on the Digital Correspondence Site. Click here to visit the site.
What is the Digital Correspondence Site?
It is an Itaú platform where it is possible to view, save, print and email Income Returns in digital form.
Customer services:
For further information please contact Itaú Unibanco’s Custody department through the following channels:
- Website
- E-mail
- (11) 3003-9285 and 0800 720 5299 (state capitals and metropolitan regions)
- 0800 720 9285 and 0800 720 5299 (other locations)
- Working days, from 09:00 to 18.
And for other Energisa Group companise?
To request income tax information from other group companies, please email and include the following information in the body of the email:
- Shareholder’s full name
- Name of Energisa Group company:
Note!!! shareholding positions are confidential information and will only be provided to the holder or the legal representative of the shareholding.
(i) For the previous year’s Income Tax declaration, you must collect the Income Tax Information from Banco Itaú.
(ii) Always keep your registration up to date at Banco Itaú, the current transfer agent of the shares of the Group’s companies.
(iii) Shareholders with shares held in custody by service providers (Brokers) should request the tax information directly from their Broker or through the B3 Electronic Investor Channel Platform.