Investor Relations

Quality Indicators

Quality of the services

The satisfaction surveys conducted by the Innovare Institute with the coordination of the ABRADEE (Brazilian Association of Electricity Distributers) show the privileged position of the satisfaction indicators with residential consumers of Energisa distributors.


Empresas 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Benchmarking – Up to 500,000 customers 93.7 89.5 85.0 88.1 80.8 85.5
Nacional (CNEE) (2) 81.4
Bragantina (EEB) (2) 76.5
Vale Paranapanema (EDEVP) (2) 90.6
Energisa Minas Gerais (EMG) 81.2 86.6 80.7 84.6 76.6 77.5
Força e Luz do Oeste (CFLO) (2) 90.1
Energisa Borborema (EBO) 83.3 82.0 78.2 86.7 80.8 83.0
Caiuá (2) 75.9
Energisa Nova Friburgo (ENF) 83.5 82.0 84.7 82.1 75.9 77.6
Energisa Acre (EAC) 60.1 51.7 54.6 63.2 53.2 56.3
Benchmarking – Above to 500,000 customers 90.3 87.1 81.0 84.9 78.7 79.5
Energisa Mato Grosso do Sul (EMS) (1) 82.6 78.5 67.2 75.9 67.6 67.1
Energisa Paraíba (EPB) 83.8 81.2 77.3 83.3 77.7 79.5
Energisa Mato Grosso (EMT) (1) 77.7 75.6 71.3 71.5 64.3 68.6
Energisa Sul-Sudeste (ESS) (2) 82.9 85.6 80.7 84.9 75.7 75.4
Energisa Sergipe (ESE) 85.6 80.8 78.6 77.8 67.2 75.5
Energisa Tocantins (ETO) (1) 76.6 76.0 76.7 75.3 70.3 74.2
Energisa Rondônia (ERO) 69.2 58.1 63.4 70.1 61.0 63.7
ABRADEE Média 76.8 76.0 70.3 74.9 65.5 67.0

(1) Companies acquired in April 2014. (2) On june 30,2017, Energisa South Soythest (New company name for Caiuá Distribuidora de Energia S/A) incorporated the following distribution companies: CNEE, EDEVP, EEB and CFLO.

The ABRADEE Award has been held annually since 1999 and elects them as the best distributors in the categories: National, Regional, Management Quality, Customer Evaluation, Operational and Economic-Financial Management, Performance Evolution and Social Responsibility. The satisfaction survey is one of the award components.

In 2022, at the 24th edition of the Abradee Awards, Energisa’s Group repeated the great success of previous years, winning 8 of 15 categories. We won the main categories of the Award in 2022, taking first place in the country among the distributors above and below 500 thousand consumers for Energisa Paraíba and Minas Gerais. In addition to the main categories, Grupo Energisa also won six more awards: Energisa Paraíba also won Best in the Northeast and Customer Evaluation; Energisa Minas Gerais also won another award, for Social and Environmental Responsibility; Energisa Tocantins won the North/Midwest and Performance Evolution and Energisa Mato Grosso do Sul won the Economic-Financial Management.

Aneel Consumer Satisfaction Index (IASC)

The Aneel Consumer Satisfaction Index (IASC) is based on research with residential consumers which Aneel (National Electricity Agency) conducts annually to evaluate the satisfaction level with the services rendered by the 63 electricity distributers in Brazil.


Company 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
EMG 70.1 58.9 71.2 70.5 73.9 66.1 57.64
ENF 56.3 73.1 58.0 70.1 72.1 63.3 55.61
ESE 58.8 68.5 63.6 70.1 65.9 66.8 57.54
EBO 63.9 78.7 65.9 73.1 70.4 68.4 59.25
EPB 63.1 76.8 67.6 67.8 65.1 70.2 59.57
EMT (1) 44.8 52.9 55.7 63.9 61.4 45.5 44.99
EMS (1) 50.3 66.9 64.4 66.8 63.0 56.7 50.99
ETO (1) 48.0 59.2 45.2 63.0 65.0 55.6 52.07
ERO 52.2 60.8 53.0 62.5 43.8 43.8 44.99
EAC 45.3 56.5 50.9 55.3 46.4 46.5 39.67
ESS (2) 69.0 70.7 74.9 66.9 58.57
Caiuá (1) 56.3 71.3
EDEVP (1) 57.0 72.4
EEB (1) 61.3 68.6
CNEE (1) 65.9 72.1
CFLO (1) 63.2 78.2
ANEEL Average 57.0 64.9 63.2 66.1 67.4 61.0 53.83

(1) Companies acquired in April 2014.

IASC is obtained annually from a survey with consumers from all distributors concessions and licensees operating in the national territory. About 27,000 interviews are carried out. There are five variables evaluated: Perceived quality, Perceived value (cost-benefit ratio), Overall satisfaction, Trust in the supplier and Loyalty.

In 2021, Energisa was a finalist with 2 distributors (Energisa Paraiba and Energisa Borborema) in the “Northeast Region” category and a finalist also in the category over 400 thousand consumers, represented by Energisa Sul-Southeast. In 2020, Grupo Energisa won 3 of 9 categories in the ANEEL Quality Awards. ESS was the winner in the category of distribution companies with more than 400 thousand customers in the Southeast. EPB was the highlight in the category of the fastest growing among concessionaires in 2020 and also won the ANEEL quality award for best distribution company in Brazil in the category with more than 400 thousand customers.

Group Companies amongst the best of Brazil

In the main, the Group’s DisCos performed well in 1Q22, maintaining the excellent performance in previous quarters and presenting indicators below the DEC and FEC regulatory limits, with the exception of EMT.

ERO achieved its best ever historical series for both DEC and FEC. In March 2022 the DEC was 24.00 hours, down by 9.5 hours on March 2021. The FEC was 9.87 times, a 31.3% decrease, equivalent to 4.49 times.

EPB presented its best ever historical series of results for DEC and FEC. EMG and EAC, in turn, achieved their best ever historical FEC results in March 2022.

EMT’s DEC and FEC rose in comparison with March 2021, owing to bad weather in the period September to December 2021 and the temporary difficulty to mobilize teams (now resolved) and equally unfavorable climatic conditions in the first quarter of 2022.

We have ramped up our maintenance plan since the last quarter of 2021, including tree-trimming and clearing work, and are making rapid grid improvements, including the installation of automatic reclosers and interconnecting feeders, which has enabled us to turn around the trajectory in the last 2 months, in order to meet the regulatory target.

The following table presents the results for the period:

Distribution companies DEC (hours) FEC (times) DEC limit FEC limit
jun/22 jun/21 Var. (%) jun/22 jun/21 Var. (%) jun/22 jun/21
EMG 8.23 8.45 -2.6 4.48 4.58 -2.2 10.86 7.80
ENF 6.60 6.15 +7.3 3.59 3.39 +5.9 9.19 7.65
ESE 10.92 9.83 +11.1 5.24 4.73 +10.8 11.44 7.60
EBO 3.49 3.65 -4.4 2.88 2.72 +5.9 12.63 8.36
EPB 10.99 12.50 -12.1 3.97 5.23 -24.1 14.85 8.57
EMT 19.70 17.88 +10.2 8.17 7.60 +7.5 19.50 14.89
EMS 10.37 9.85 +5.3 4.31 4.32 -0.2 11.14 7.53
ETO 15.78 16.75 -5.8 6.19 7.22 -14.3 21.00 13.77
ERO 23.30 31.72 -26.5 9.46 13.99 -32.4 27.10 18.65
EAC 28.27 29.40 -3.8 11.39 14.33 -20.5 44.29 35.40